How To Draw Wings

Learn How to draw Wings Quickly & Easily!

Bird wings are pretty popular these days and you can use them on all kinds of angelic and not-so-much creatures. In this particular tutorial, we’re going to learn how to draw wings on a piece of paper using a pencil. We start with creating a basic outline, a rough sketch of our future drawing (00 min 10 sec). At this point, we’re just drawing some sort of guidelines.

Keep the bone structure in mind while doing the sketch. In this particular case, the wing curves from the shoulder (upwards) and eventually reaches the final joints. From that point, it curves again (downwards and outwards). So, add a number of really big feathers to give the composition some momentum (01 min 00 sec). If they overlap, that makes the wing look three-dimensional, and that’s great.

Once you’re done with the top of the drawing, move on to the next step of our how to draw wings tutorial (01 min 17 sec). The feathers (or, rather, their outlines) are very important and should be treated accordingly. When you get to shading, they’ll start to look quite gorgeous. In the middle of the drawing, you should make the feathers a lot bigger and lighter (01 min 40 sec). That way, you’ll create a difference between the various layers.

Ok, now it’s time for the final stage of the how to draw wings guide – the shading (01 min 54 sec). Start with the very top and work your way down. The inside feathers come first; the rest will follow. Remember: the ones on top are significantly smaller and feel like fur. Use a blending stick to achieve that effect (02 min 07 sec). And try darker shading at the bottom to really define the different parts.

There are a lot of tiny detail to this that might scare you at first. But, if you follow the video, you’ll realize that this drawing is quite simple (02 min 50 sec). Darker lines and smooth shading work wonders! The layered effect is what will make it or break it for ya. And, it’s the hardest part of this how to draw wings tutorial. Keep trying until you perfect it.

Before you learn how to draw Wings, did you know?

The combination of light and dark strokes, shading, and blending is the key in this video. This technique will come in handy in numerous other drawings. So, as I just said, take your time with it and try to really get the and outs of it.

Some Things To Keep In Mind…

These tutorials are only here to guide you. Your drawing does not need to look "identical" to mine.

Start with rough but light pencil strokes that you can work into the shapes you want.

Once you have your rough drawing completed, go over it in a darker stroke for your final drawing.

Add shading and/or color to complete if desired.

Using this technique you will be able to draw anything after some practice... even without following step-by-step tutorials.

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