How to Draw King Kong

Learn How to draw King Kong Quickly & Easily

The video talks about quite an unusual approach to drawing: we’re going to use the number “5” to create an awesome picture of a huge gorilla (00 min 55 sec). It will be the foundation of our how to draw King Kong tutorial. Sounds exciting, doesn’t it? So, after you put it in, create a V sign right above it (01 min 10 sec).

The tiny circles that follow are actually the eyes of our hero. Put two dots inside each (01 min 20 sec). The nose comes next and it sits below the top of the letter. See those big, scary teeth (01 min 44 sec)? Make the ones on the sides bigger than the ones in the middle. Color the mouth black and let’s move on to the eyebrows (02 min 34 sec). And, darken the eyes a bit to make them look scarier.

Those two curves will make the nose look more realistic (02 min 53 sec). Ok, now let’s move on to the next stage of this how to draw King Kong tutorial – the face (03 min 05 sec). It’s actually pretty easy and comes with straight and simple lines. The right ear (the only one we can see) is quite tiny but important for the composition (it looks like the number “3”, actually).

The line for his head should be as “furry” as possible (03 min 30sec). Same goes for the lower parts of the gorilla’s head (04 min 10 sec). After you put some basic lines for the belly, move on to another important part of our how to draw King Kong manual – the hands (06 min 19 sec). The right one comes first.

It’s very simple and primitive, which gives the picture the necessary edge. If you’re happy with it, take care of the left hand next (06 min 50 sec). It’s an exact copy, by the way. The legs are the simplest part (07 min 21 sec). Just follow the video and finish this great drawing!

Before you learn how to draw King Kong, did you know?

The king of the jungle, the ruler of the lands – that’s who this mighty gorilla is. Some folks color him angry and brutal, but he’s actually got a huge heart and wants only one thing – to help those around him. But in this particular case, he is scary and violent, ready to take out whoever comes his way.

Some Things To Keep In Mind…

These tutorials are only here to guide you. Your drawing does not need to look "identical" to mine.

Start with rough but light pencil strokes that you can work into the shapes you want.

Once you have your rough drawing completed, go over it in a darker stroke for your final drawing.

Add shading and/or color to complete if desired.

Using this technique you will be able to draw anything after some practice... even without following step-by-step tutorials.

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